About sequences X

Time Has Come is the title for the tenth Sequences art biennale, held between 15-24 October 2021. The title is a reference to the ephemeral social space which the festival makes for itself each time.

This year’s festival includes diverse artists’ dialogue, with their environment, history or other artists. Dialogue is by nature defined by the moment and context. It consciously and subconsciously includes the zeitgeist and prevailing ideas of the society at any given time. Where ideas within societies are dynamic and subject to change, like societies themselves, we get an opportunity to read the flow of time and the development of various social ideas. By stirring the accepted conventions in a society, we can stir up the time.

This year, the festival boasts a diverse group of artists who are all generous with their time, ideas and creative energy. They are able to drive projects and create a platform for dialogue and participation. This often resolves in artwork that include direct communication between the artist and a certain space or environment, and the connection to the audience created by the work. The dialogue between artist and receiver can then become an artwork in itself, it assumes a form that lives inscrutably in the mind of the receiver. The result is an artwork that communicates humane behaviour and ideas of the human condition and freedom.


15 October

- 24 October 2021


Þráinn Hjálmarsson & Þóranna Björnsdóttir

Honorary Artist:

The honorary artist of Sequences X – Time Has Come is Elísabet Kristín Jökulsdóttir. Elísabet has the ability to weave threads between various forms of art and she uses her artistic voice to tell it like it is but also to remind us of the magic.

Elísabet’s possesses the language of the goddess and she appears to us in different images, creating and destroying in turn, she on the inside and the outside and dances on the line between. In her work, Elísabet is analytical of her own self and the nation’s and she deals with the Utopian role of art as a shifting force in society. Her strength lies in the dynamic and diverse relationship she has with her viewers and listeners, where she herself is like a public work of art, constantly stirring the ideas of the society and thus stirring time and participating in the endless recreation of the world.

The genesis of various religions do not normally state that a world is being created for the first time. […] But while nothing else is stated, we can imagine that the world is being recreated instead of created anew. Maybe the world had been created and destroyed so often that it was considered appropriate to write it down, and it wasn’t worth their while saying: “For the hundredth time, there was darkness …” – Elísabet Kristín Jökulsdóttir

Sequences X: Time has come
This passes by by Elísabet K. Jökulsdóttir in collaboration with sculptor Matthías Rúnar Sigurðsson.
Supported by

Sequences X is supported by the City of Reykjavík, Icelandic Visual Arts Fund, Iceland Naturally, Promote Iceland, Icelandic Music Fund, Safnasjóður, Rannís and Nordic Culture Point.

In collaboration with

Sequences x is in collaboration with Bíó Paradís, ELKO, Flæði, OPEN, Post-húsið. Tjarnarbíó, The National Archives of Iceland, Hafnarborg & Hljóðön.


Helga Björg Kjerúlf
Managing Director

Eyja Orradóttir
Project Mananger

Kamilija Teklė Čižaitė
Project Manager

Sunna Axelsdóttir
Project Manager



Auður Jörundsdóttir, appointed by The Icelandic Art Center

Sunna Ástþórsdóttir, appointed by The Living Art Museum

Una Björg Magnúsdóttir, appointed by Kling & Bang gallery

Dorothea Olesen Halldorsdóttir, curatorial board member

Logi Leó Gunnarsson, curatorial board member

Sigþóra Óðinsdóttir, curatorial board member

Steinunn Önnudóttir, curatorial board member

Þorsteinn Eyfjörð, curatorial board member

The festival bar
Thank you

Sequences and the curators wish to thank all of the artists and venues, and all of the individuals who contributed to realising Sequences X: Time Has Come. We particularly thank the team for their hard work and generosity.

Akureyri Art Museum
Albert Finn
Aldís Arnardóttir
Aldís Pálsdóttir
Ambassade de France en Islande
Ana Victoria Bruno
Anna Bergmann Björnsdóttir Anna Líndal
Anni Ólafsdóttir
Arnljótur Sigurðsson
Aron Víglundsson
Áslaug Jóhannesdóttir Baldur Björnsson
Atli Finnsson
Becky Forsythe
Benedikt H. Hermannsson
Billy Zhao
Birkir Karlsson
Birta Marselía
Brianna Leatherbury
Camilla Holm Rautenberg
Cel Crabeels
Claudia Hausfeld
Daði Guðbjörnsson
Dagur Benedikt Reynisson
Daniela Moog
Elín Agla
Elín Hrund Þorgeirsdóttir
Employees at ELKO Granda
Erlendur Sveinsson
Eva Lind Höskuldsdóttir
Fellaskóli and students
Frankie Martin
Friðgeir Einarsson
Fylkir Birgisson
Gabríel Brim
Galadriel Gonzalez
Gallerí Úthverfa
Gango Luege
Gígja Jónsdóttir
Girolamo Derrick Belcham
Greta S. Guðmundsdóttir
Guðlaugur Hörðdal
Guðmundur Ari Arnalds
Guðrún Björt Zophaníasdóttir
Guðrún Elísabet Árnadóttir
Gunnar Gunnsteinsson
Gunnhildur Einarsdóttir
Gyða Valtýsdóttir
Halldór Ásgeirsson
Hanna Christel Sigurkarlsdóttir
Herdís Heiðdal
Hjalti Freyr Ragnarsson
Hlynur Hallsson
Hrönn Sveinsdóttir
Iceland University of the Arts
Icelandic Meteorological Institute
Ida Schuften Juhl
Jesper Pedersen
Jewish Community of Iceland
John McCowen
Jón Marinó Jónsson
Jóna Hlíf Halldórsdóttir
Jonas Blaser
Júlía Mogensen
Julie Tremblay
Julius Rothlaender
Katherine Caldwell
Kees Visser
Kelsey Lu
Klavs Liepins
Lady Brewery
Laufey Elíasdóttir
Lenya Rún Taha Karim
Listasafn Akureyrar
LungA School
Lunga skólinn
Magnús H. Jóhannsson
Marc-André Nadeau
Margrét Agnes Iversen
María Björk Óskarsdóttir
María Solomatina
Marie-Claude Després
Marina Abramović
Matthias Engler
Narfi Þorsteinsson
National Archives of Iceland
Ómar Sigurðsson
Örlygur Steinar Arnalds
Outvert Art Space
Páll Haukur Björnsson
Páll Ivan
Pao Kitsch
Paula Garcia
Phoebe Greenberg
Pia Brunner
Ragnar Jónsson
Rebecca Lord
Renaud Durville
Reykjavik Grapevine
Rijksakademie Van Beeldende Kunsten
Rudolf Brunner
Rúna Þorkelsdóttir
Sævar Helgi Bragason
Samúel Bjarnason
Serge Leborne
Sibyl Urbancic
Sigga Maja
Sigurður Guðmundsson
Sigurður Ingólfsson
Sigþrúður Silju Gunnarsdóttir
SÍM Residency
Skaftfell Art Center
Snæbjörn Brynjarsson
Sölvi Björn Sigurðsson
Steingrímur Eyfjörð
Sveinbjörg Bjarnadóttir
Sylvía Dröfn Jónsdóttir
The Artist Salary
Thomas Brunner
Thomas Pausz
Tumi Magnússon
Úlfur Bragi Einarsson
Unnur Jökulsdóttir
Vera Illugadóttir
Vésteinn Gauti Hauksson
Vikram Pradhan
Vilhjálmur Yngvi Hjálmarsso
Weronika G
Zofia Blanka Tomczyk
Þór Vigfússon
Þórey Björk Halldórsdóttir