Subversive Shit Talks by Boji Moroz - Music Performance





Boji presents their sixth album Subversive Shit-Talks. The music, with lyrics in Ukrainian,  encourages listeners to show the world their power of standing up from the dirty bottom of the future into the new era without any dictatorships possible on planet Earth. The performance promises not only remarkable music but also an enthralling fusion of field recording mixes and ground-breaking experimental vocals. The experience will be further enhanced by the addition of mesmerising costumes from Malyuk Couture and Vladislav Plisetskiy, creating an all-encompassing sensory journey.


Boji (f. 1998) er hinsegin margmiðlunarlistamaður og tónlistarmaður frá Kænugarði sem búsett er í Berlín. Frá árinu 2017 hefur hún gert tilraunir með flutning hefðbundinnar úkraínskrar þjóðlagatónlistar, þar sem hún byggir á bakgrunni sínum sem aðalsöngvari Umbreytingarkirkjunnar í Kænugarði.