Sequences ix opens in Ásmundarsalur with a solo exhibition of honorary artist Kristinn Guðbrandur Harðarson

The Sequences festival will be formally set this Friday at 17.00 with the opening of Kristinn Guðbrandur Harðarson’s solo show at Ásmundarsalur, Freyjugata 41. A book by Kristinn will be published on the same occasion. The book, Deathkiller, is an independent exhibition space. Following the opening, a second solo exhibition will open, in Harbinger (Freyjugata 1), down the road, where Ólöf Helga Helgadóttir opens “Line”.


17:00 – 20:00
Oscar Gränse opens his installation Synthropic, including a performance, at Flæði, Grettisgata 3.

Ásgerður Arnardóttir and Vera Hilmarsdóttir open their exhibition Skyn at Núllið gallerí, Bankastræti 0.

Ólöf Bóadóttir and Óskar Þór Ámundason open their installation Pigeon Supermax, including a performance, at the Reykjavík Sculpture Association’s Sculpture Garden, Nýlendugata 17.
