

Situated on the west-facing gable of Hverfisgata 42, Volcano is the latest addition to the Mountain Series that includes the Waterfall at Bankastræti 6 made for Sequences 2006, and the Glacier at Klapparstígur 28, revealed in June this year.

The series constitutes surreal meetings between highly urban walls and iconic natural phenomena. Loving tributes to Reykjavík and Iceland, they also attempt to challenge our perception of public space and the notion of culture vs. nature.

Like the two earlier pieces, Volcano is made from thousands and thousands of sequins. Being fixed very lightly on small pins, they make the lava shimmer and glow like fire, reflecting every environmental change-be it from light or weather.

Although highly artificial, this constant change gives the piece an almost supernatural glow, which, if viewed with an open mind, transforms the house at Hverfisgata into a geometric volcano, and Reykjavík into a magical man-made landscape.