For Sequences XI, Vaim Sarv untangles a conspiratorial connection between oral traditions and experimental practices from the periphery. Her programme opens with a solo ritual and continues with two duo performances: with experimental musician Flaaryr on guitar, objects, and electronics and with artist and poet Ásta Fanney. Vaim and Ásta will play a game using their voices, two sticks, rocks, and water. The programme ends with a communal meal and conversation with the audience and artists. The programme proposes that friction is something that experimental artistic practices have in common with oral traditions. This friction can be used as a source of mutual aid, as a force that disrupts and renews our habits of assembly.
Vaim Sarv (f. 1997) er tilraunakenndur tónlistarmaður og söngvari. Hún blandar frjálsum spuna við hávaða og heiðnar munn- legar hefðir. Hann stökkbreytir rödd sinni með raddtækni og lifandi rafeindatækni og vinnur að dýrslegu, vélrænu hljóði sem er samofið textum og töluðu máli.