Do-easy but Do-nothing - Performance


Do-easy but Do-nothing


Ágústa Björnsdóttir

Hugo LLanes

FLÆÐI, Grettisgata 3

„Do-Easy but Do-Nothing.
Sequences Art Festival
FLÆÐI Gallery
Reykjavík, 2019.

This performance has its basis in globalized political reclamations against the rhetorics of modernity and progress (reflected in architecture, design and art), mostly embraced by western cultures and exemplified in the living and economic conditions of countries like in those in Scandinavia and for the case of Sequences, Iceland.

The action of painting a white wall in white with small brushes and fine detail, using easy and simplistic artistic painting skills will be the main action and metaphorically will refer to the feeling of hoping for progress and the ongoing promise that some sort of result will become visible and productive by using labour.

This performance took place in a white cube and the action started by receiving the guests with hand sanitizer. The artists dressed completely in white were surrounded by a set of utilitarian white objects as well as an audio piece about the human rights declaration in which the articles about labour and leisure where only mentioned. The visitors were given french fries made on site to pursue their participation.

Finally the whole blank environment became a show in which easy things of doing nothing, politically happened.“

– Hugo Llanes