Tova Mozard


Written by Sarah Kim:

Curiosity and unveiling narrative are two main characteristics of Tova Mozard’s art. Born in 1978 and graduated from Mälmö Art Academy, Mozard has a growing repertoire of photography and video pieces which has been shown in solo and group shows around Sweden and internationally. Many video works show her attraction to fringe figures in society. During her time spent in Los Angeles, CA, she sought out extraordinary characters who are drawn to the bright Hollywood lights and dreams of superstardom. She explores the relationship between the camera, the entertainer/narrator, and herself as the artist/documenter. Mozard’s presence behind the lens allows for ease and a welcoming exchange. Unseen, but still silently interacting, the viewer adopts Mozard’s attitude of comfortable understanding and admiration for the subject’s strength and creativity. The sense of rehearsal and storytelling is blurred, and a vulnerable truth and sincerity revealed.

[to read further visit the artist’s site]

Associated events:

Fotografier skapad av Anne Nyblaeus