Sunneva Ása Weisshappel


Sunneva Ása Weisshappel lives and works in Reykjavík as an artist, dancer and a performer. She currently studies Fine Arts at the Iceland Academy of the Arts for BFA and is due to graduate in the spring of 2012. She has participated in numerous exhibitions and art festivals in Iceland and abroad.

During her collage years she took part in the Icelandic national creativity contest for college students, showing in collaboration with four other students, a life video/dance theatre peace. The piece won the first price and was shown in City Theater in 2008. From a young age she has been performing, acting, dancing and conducting video performances and worked in collaboration project such as Greasy Cheezies, Rúst, Behind Dinamix and others.

In the summer of 2010 she founded the art group Point Zero, in collaboration with Viktor Pétur Hannesson and Haukur Hilmarsson. At the art festival Æringur they showed „DO NOT COVER“, a two hour long performance that collided with a video piece and an installation. At the art fair Lunga in Seyðisfjörður 2010 Sunneva and Viktor showed the piece „ME to The Export Of The IT“ where they criticized the capitalism and image obsessions in the art world by selling their „ego“ along with their clothes in vacuum packing.

Her most resent work is in collaboration with Steinunn Gunnlaugsdóttir. For the last eighteen months they have been working on an art project called „Reykjavík-Frankenstein“. Parts of it were shown in a school graduation dance ceremony and later at the art happening „Aðeins Fyrir Vitfyrrta“ in 2010.

Sunneva starred as well in the short film „Minni Máttar“ by Katrín Ólafsdóttir and has performed in other smaller projects like „Maskínan“ and more.

Her method of work is to ignore the borders between various art forms and create a fusion between fine arts, performance art, and cinema. To reach these ends she en dowers to use whatever means necessary.

Associated events:

Sunneva Ása Weisshappel
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