Irene Ósk Bermudez


Installation and Multimedia Artist / Live Sound / Totem maker

Combining video, sculpture, sound and drawing, Irene´s installations explore the making and appropriation of identity through collective imagination, objects and products. Her work is, ironically at times, concerned with the body as a production mechanism. One of the fictional characters she creates celebrates the transcedental news of his organs turning erotic in function. At first it is a triumph, but then the moment disappears.

Irene´s pieces give special powers to contradictory feelings and random objects, creating it´s own uncanny environment of ritualized experiences and totems, something she likes to refer to as  ´choreography in space.´Irene has exhibited in Iceland and abroad since 2004 and currently lives and works in Reykjavík.

Associated events:

Irene Ósk Bermudez