Sequences Biennial is delighted to announce the full list of participating artists for its 11th edition, which will open to the public from 13–22 October in Reykjavík, Iceland.Titled Can’t See, the Biennial explore the ever-growing threat of ecological destruction by delving into spaces that cannot be perceived by the human eye, from the depths of the sea and layers of the soil, imagining the debris of the past and visions of the future.

Cant’t See, 2023 by Edith Karlson, photo credit: Joosep Kivimäe.
The artist selection reflects the curators’ interest in fostering new and deeper connections between the Baltic and Icelandic artistic communities, spotlighting unique, decentralised narratives from these geographical and cultural borders.With over 45 participants confirmed, the biennial will present new commissions and site-specific installations, alongside artists’ existing works and for the first time, loans from Icelandic and Baltic museums.
The curators say: ‘‘Coming from Estonia and workingin Iceland with this diverse group of artists has been an exciting and thought-provoking process, exploring how their ideas matched with our own. It has also been equally thrill- ing to spotlight existing, sometimes rarely exhibited works from artists and museum collections, which are so valued and loved by locals. It has been a privilege to be an advo- cate for smaller, sometimes yet to be heard narratives.’
Aaloe-Ader-Flo-Künnap-Soosalu (Estonia)
Agnes Denes (Hungary)
Alma Heikkilä (Finland)
Anna Líndal (Iceland)
Anna Niskanen (Finland)
Antti Laitinen (Finland)
Bendik Giske (Norway) in collaboration with Úlfur Hansson (Iceland)
Benjamin Patterson (US)
Bjarki Bragason (Iceland)
Boji (Ukraine)
Brák Jónsdóttir and Dúfa Sævarsdóttir (Iceland)
Brynhildur Þorgeirsdóttir (Iceland)
Daiga Grantina (Latvia)
Daria Melnikova (Latvia)
Dénes Farkas (Estonia)
Dodomundo (Lithuania)
Edda Kristín Sigurjónsdóttir (Iceland)
Edith Karlson (Estonia)
Elo-Reet Järv (Estonia)
Emilija Škarnulyte (Lithuania)
Gerður Helgadóttir (Iceland)
Grzegorz Łoznikow (Iceland)
Guðrún Nielsen (Iceland)
Guðrún Vera Hjartardóttir (Iceland)
Gústav Geir Bollason (Iceland)
Hrund Atladóttir (Iceland)
Jóhannes Sveinsson Kjarval (Iceland)
Johanna Hedva (US/Korea)
Johhan Rosenberg (Estonia)
John Grzinich (US/Estonia)
Jussi Kivi (Finland)
Kadri Liis Rääk (Estonia)
Kärt Ojavee (Estonia)
Katja Novitskova (Estonia)
Katya Buchatska (Ukraine)
Monika Czyzyk (Poland/Finland)
Naufus Ramirez-Figueroa (Guatemala)
Netti Nüganen (Estonia)
Ólöf Nordal (Iceland)
Pakui Hardware (Lithuania)
Pola Sutryk (Iceland)
Precious Okoyomon and Dozie Kanu (US)
Radio Gufan (Iceland)
Sigurður Einarsson (Iceland)
Þorgerður Ólafsdóttir (Iceland)
Uku Sepsivart (Estonia)
Vaim Sarv (US/Estonia) in collaboration with Flaaryr (Argentina), Ásta Fanney (Iceland)
Valgerður Briem (Iceland)
Zenta Logina (Latvia)
Young Boy Dancing Group
(Switzerland, Netherlands, Estonia)
Sequences: Can’t See is curated by Marika Agu, Maria Arusoo, Kaarin Kivirähk and Sten Ojavee, a curatorial collective from the Estonian Centre for Contemporary Art (CCA).
Sequences: Can’t See – 13. – 22. October 2023
A full program will be announced shortly here on the festival’s website, in the meantime you can read more about the individual artists and collectives participating this year.
Sequences is a non-profit artist run biennial in Reykjavík. The aim of the festival is to produce and present progressive visual art. Founding members of Sequences are artist run Kling & Bang (est. 2003), the Living Art Museum (est. 1978) and the Icelandic Art Centre, that together with artists active in the local art scene, run the festival.