I Had Nowhere to Go


Gordon’s film, I Had Nowhere to Go (2016) is a personal documentary and ode to Lithuanian-American film pioneer Jonas Mekas (1922 – 2019), and is based upon Mekas’ memoirs, whose work played a key role at RIFF – Reykjavík International Film Festival in 2018. The film is 97 minutes long, narrated by the fragile voice of the aging artist who reads his memoirs from Lithuania during the horror of the Second World War and his escape to the USA. The score drives the film forward; darkness dominating the vast majority, occasionally interrupted by imagery that counterbalances Mekas’ memories. Although darkness dominates the screen, Gordon has emphasized that the film’s visuals are nonetheless rich,  the images simply appear in the mindset of the listener, the viewer and perceiver. Douglas Gordon participated in Talk Series (Umræðuþræðir) in 2016, a collaboration between IUA, Reykjavík Art Museum and Icelandic Art Center. This is the premiere of the film in Iceland.