Hannes Lárusson made a new work for the Sequences Festival 2011 which was installed in Kling and Bang gallery in Hverfisgata. He and She, I and Them could be described as a performance oriented mixed media installation. The work will open Friday 1st of April and last for 10 days, or until Sunday 10th April.
The exhibition of the remaining works will be on display until 1st of May.
1.Apríl 2011
OPNUN // OPENING PERFORMANCE at 20:00. 2. Apríl – 10.apríl 2011
Var verkið opið og í gangi alla daga kl.14-18.
// Was open and active from 14:00-18:00. 14.apríl-1.maí 2011
Var opið fimmtudaga – sunnudaga frá kl.14-18.
// Was open Thursdays – Sundays from 14:00-18:00.