RASK: Augmenting reality with light - WORKSHOP





Augmenting reality with light.
Introduction to VJing and videomapping.

This workshop aims to introduce participants into the world of video projection, video mapping and live visuals. They will be presented with different approaches and techniques and learn how to create a simple projection setup.

Participants will be able to try setting up a physical scene, prepare video content, map the scene with a video projector and perform live visuals.

Level: beginner
Language: English. Translators available on request.
Software used: Resolume, Adobe CS

A laptop with video output (HDMI, VGA, DVI, displayport) is preferable, but not necessary. Smart phone or a camera is also a plus.

Max 12 participants.
Please register here: https://forms.gle/u5Fg9wKf6qb9tWKs7

(IS / DK / CZ)

RASK is a collective of young Icelandic artists that work at the intersection of art and technology. Our objectives include working towards accessibility of technology and creative spaces for interdisciplinary collaborations. We wish to strengthen the diversity within the Icelandic electronics art scene. The RASK Electronic Arts workshop is a step towards welcoming new voices into the scene, but for women and minorities in particular. We consider the making of a supportive and inclusive learning environment a step towards a more diverse environment within technology and art.