The Sequences festival will be formally set this Friday at 17.00 with the opening of Kristinn Guðbrandur Harðarson’s solo show at Ásmundarsalur, Freyjugata 41. A book by Kristinn will be published on the same occasion. The book, Deathkiller, is an independent exhibition space. Following the opening, a second solo exhibition will open, in Harbinger (Freyjugata 1), down the road, where Ólöf Helga Helgadóttir opens “Line”.
17:00 – 20:00
Oscar Gränse opens his installation Synthropic, including a performance, at Flæði, Grettisgata 3.
Ásgerður Arnardóttir and Vera Hilmarsdóttir open their exhibition Skyn at Núllið gallerí, Bankastræti 0.
Ólöf Bóadóttir and Óskar Þór Ámundason open their installation Pigeon Supermax, including a performance, at the Reykjavík Sculpture Association’s Sculpture Garden, Nýlendugata 17.