Reverse / Moment / Verse



Reverse / Moment / Verse is a visual and sound installation where a certain sensation is captured.
All the videos in the installation are inspired by poems composed written by the artist herself and were made during her travels in several countries: United States, Greece, Iceland, and other secret places. The images are combined with sounds composed by the artist and produced for the performance in collaboration with composers and musicians Hákon Aðalsteinsson, Caroline Mallonée, Borgar Magnasson, Guðmundur Vignir Karlsson and violinist Kristín Mariella Friðjónsdóttir. During the exhibition, on October 16th there will be a performance featuring those artists.

In her art, Björk deals with visual images, emotions, sounds and sensations in a similar way to what occurs involuntarily in the mind during certain stages of consciousness, whether in dreams or while awake. Björk works with colors, emotions, signs and other everyday things, all of which she brings to other dimensions by creating new perspectives and settings. Björk encourages her audience to use all their senses in viewing her work by using combinations of different media.