When We Masturbate


Föstudagur 18. október 2019

17:00 – 20:00

When We Masturbate


Íris Stefanía Skúladóttir

FLÆÐI, Grettisgata 3

“” Durational performance, half open/half closed masturbation story circle “”

WHEN WE MASTURBATE is a performance where Iris invites women to talk about their own masturbation. The performance is a half open/half closed story circle and female identifying members of the audience can join the circle and share if they feel like it. All genders are of course welcome to come and listen to the stories being shared.
Guests, as well as members of the circle, are free to come and go as they please during the three hours of the performance.
The masturbation is a central point in Iris’s practice and the performance in FLÆÐI is a part of a bigger project on pleasure called When I Masturbate.
Íris Stefanía Skúladóttir